Adrian Edwards

Director and
Chartered Financial Planner

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Adrian Edwards, Stockport

At work, you’ll find Adrian…

Adrian has worked in financial services for his entire career – 18 years, to be precise. Prior to co-founding Sylvan alongside Ed and Jane, he honed his expertise as a wealth planner at a well-known private bank in Manchester for seven years.

Adrian is committed to helping clients achieve financial peace of mind by delivering advice in a concise, friendly, and professional manner. He has a keen interest in objective-driven financial planning and enjoys showing clients a cashflow forecast to help them visualise their financial situation over time and to model different financial scenarios.

In Adrian’s free time…

Adrian cherishes time with his wife, Vicky, and their young son, Rowan. He loves travelling and learning about different cultures. Adrian enjoys running and has finished marathons in Manchester and Marrakesh.

Music is a big part of his life; he plays acoustic and electric guitar, though not as often lately. Adrian has a soft spot for all things French, and he whips up bread when time allows.

Adrian in the spotlight

My proudest moment as a financial planner is

helping a couple realise that they could comfortably afford to stop working when they were in a stressful situation at work and in their personal life.

The best gift I’ve ever received is

my dad’s original Corgi miniatures. A family heirloom, which I loved playing with him, and I’m looking forward to passing them on to my son.

My favourite holiday destination is

Italy and the South of France. Basically, anywhere I can get a nice bottle of red wine.